Caribbean News

Woman is first COVID-19 case in Jamaica says Health Minister



#BreakingNews #Jamaica – Jamaica, the largest English Speaking country in the Caribbean region has now shifted to containment mode of the contagion, COVID-19 now that its first case is confirmed in country.

Jamica’s Health Minister, Dr. Christopher Tufton is at this very moment holding a press conference where information is being shared with Jamaica media houses.

Dr. Tufton labelled the case as ‘imported’ and said the individual, a woman, travelled from the United Kingdom on March 4 to Jamaica for an event and is a Jamaican citizen.

At this time, there is tracking of where the individual has been and those with whom the person may have come into contact.

Jamaica’s Health officials say once those investigations are done, they will be working toward quarantines, including self-quarantine.

The Minister said, Jamaica now shifts to a new mode in contending with deadly COVID-19 which is “containment.”

The Minister, in announcing the parish where the coronavirus case was detected, discouraged discrimination, aggression and encouraged compassion, “we are all in this together” he said.

The individual, described as a “young adult” is from an area bordering both St Thomas and St Andrew parishes of Jamaica.

The patient is stable with mild symptoms and is believed to be at this time, infectious and is in isolation.

“We do not want people to engage in panic because they anticipate the extreme result because that has certainly not been the case or the history of the virus,” said Minister Tufton who aimed to quell public fear and panic.

Spain, Germany and France are also now added to travel restriction list of Jamaica.

The news conference is being carried live on RJR 94.1FM; also available online.


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