world news

US Presidential Alert gets test run today



FEMA Photo

#Washington DC, USA – Wednesday October 3, 2018 – It will be an interesting event for cell phone owners in the United States tomorrow as about 225 million mobile devices across the U.S. will receive an emergency test alert on Wednesday.. and it is coming from the President.

The move is historic, as it will be the first nationwide test for a wireless phone emergency alert and is not just for the use of Donald Trump, but any president.  The Presidential Alert, as it will be headlined, is being led by FEMA and will say:  “THIS IS A TEST of the National Wireless Emergency Alert System. No action is needed.”  

As for when the national alert for US cell phone users will go out on Wednesday, it is reported that at 2:20pm EDT, Eastern Daylight Time is when the message should be received by about 75 percent of mobile phone users.

If this works, FEMA will use the President Alert, which was previously created but went unused, for national emergencies in the United States.


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