
‘Political Corruption & Financial Greed’ cited as reason for SIPT trials by Mitchell



Providenciales, 19 jan 2016 – No words were minced by Andrew Mitchell, QC as he lunged into the reasons for the Special Investigation and Prosecution Team cases, which have been looming since 2009.

The attorney for the SIPT on Monday explained bluntly that “This case is about political corruption and financial greed.”

Mitchell added that, “The monies received by the Ministers were in no sense monies that could be attributed to the work of honest servants of the people whom they were elected to represent.”

The unforgiving criminal charges and raw statements came at the opening of the proceedings which continue now in 2016, with Justice Paul Harrison presiding as both judge and jury. The cases against nine, including former Premier, Michael Misick; former Health Minister, Lillian Boyce; former Lands Minister, McCallister Hanchell; former Works Minister, Jeffrey Hall; former House Speaker, Clayton Greene and former Deputy Premier and Finance Minister, Floyd Hall is a monster of a trial with hefty charges, which have the potential to put these individuals in prison for decades.

Mitchell will spend some days as he lays out the case which he explained is fueled by an alleged conspiracy for the nine people charged to, and I quote again, “enrich themselves and/or their families, the defendants undermined, ignored and usurped almost all of the Country’s institutions designed to ensure and preserve good governance.”

Mitchell added that, ‘a number of witnesses will be called to explain how the Government of the Islands should function’ making it known that his case is built on nine land deals or developments which were negotiated during the Misick years.

Andrew Mitchell shared that he will illustrate, “the way that the political establishment was prepared to abuse their responsibilities to the electorate by, in effect, treating as their own that precious resource: the land.”

Names like Mario Hoffman and J&T Banka and the revelations linked to the American Express, Black cards all resurface as the country once again braces to hear the alleged vainglorious details of the accused.

Meanwhile, Michael Misick & the others have fought the proceedings and Misick has directly told media that he is a defendant in protest.


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