
New DEMA Director introduced to Turks and Caicos



Providenciales, 31 Jul 2015 – For the past two weeks he has been mentioned in major news coming from the government’s arm for managing coastal resources. Officially, TCIG is now introducing the nation to Dr John Claydon who heads the Department of Environment and Maritime Affairs, aka, DEMA.

Permanent Secretary Desiree Lewis said in a statement: “We are pleased to have Dr. Claydon as part of the team and look forward to a prosperous and sustainable future with him, his knowledge and professionalism will be an asset considering that the 14 British Overseas Territories account for 90% of the UK’s biodiversity.”

Dr. Claydon holds a Ph.D. from James Cook University, Australia and has 10 years industry experience with a background in Marine Biology & Ecology and strong familiarity with this region.

In fact, he has also spent six years on the island of South Caicos as a lecturer in tropical marine ecology and later as Director of the School for Field Studies.

Dr. Claydon joined the Ministry of Tourism, Environment, Heritage and Culture since July 4.


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