
Last call to vote ahead of World Travel Awards Europe Gala Ceremony 2015



London, July 23rd 2015 – Industry insiders, consumers and stakeholders from across Europe are being urged to cast their ballots ahead of the deadline for votes at the World Travel Awards Europe Gala Ceremony 2015.
The ceremony will take place at Forte Village, Sardinia, Italy, on September 5th, with voting scheduled to close on July 26th.

Ahead of the Europe Gala Ceremony 2015 World Travel Awards President Graham Cooke said: “Preparations for the next stop on our annual Grand Tour are well underway and we are looking forward to our time in Sardinia with Forte Village later this year.

“With just days to go until voting for the Gala Ceremony closes, now is the time to make your voice heard.
“Recognition by the World Travel Awards is rightly seen as the highest accolade in the industry, and your vote can really make a difference.

“Register for your chance to vote now.”

A full list of nominees can be seen here, while interested parties are urged to head over to the official World Travel Awards website and register to vote here.

World Travel Awards Gala Ceremonies are widely regarded as the best networking opportunities in the travel industry, attended by government and industry leaders, luminaries, and international print and broadcast media.


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